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Our customers assemble successful 3D printers using components from our website

Our customers assemble successful 3D printers using components from our website

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5 thoughts on “Our customers assemble successful 3D printers using components from our website

  1. hi
    i upgraded the X axis with this and printed it on the Mav Starbot
    Smooth X-axis for Prusa i3 with Leadscrews

    1. Stephs Direct drive extruder
      This Extruder has Dual Tensioner, works with above mods

  2. another upgrade for no ziptie X baseplate
    works beautifully
    I3 x axis no zips

  3. the best extruder yet for prusa type MAV printers, has two clamp screws for no slip feeding
    I3 Rework, or Wilson, Direct drive extruder

  4. hope you make these standard on the printers the work great as a combo

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